UPDATE as of March 24th from Anthony McIntosh LAVic CEO
UPDATE can be found here
Little Athletics Victoria Statement on Coronavirus (COVID-19).
March 16th, 2020 STATEMENT FROM LITTLE ATHLETICS VICTORIA Coronavirus (COVID-19) - UpdateIn the light of recent rapid developments with respect to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and subsequent public health crisis, please note the following:LAVic is advising all its affiliated Centres to cease all Little Athletics-related activities, thus bringing the 19/20 track & field season to an early close. This would apply to training, Centre competition, Centre Championships events, Open Days etc. Centres should give consideration to delaying proceeding with Presentation Days to a more suitable date. A decision on the 2020 Cross Country season will be made in coming weeks, suffice to advise that Centres would be well advised to expect a delay to the season’s commencement. Notwithstanding, Centres are encouraged to return their Cross Country fee templates to the LAVic office. Centres will be turning their attention to governance matters, such as holding AGMs & filling committee positions in preparation for the 20/21 season. We would expect many potential committee persons – existing and new – to be reticent to engage with face to face meetings over the coming weeks, making committee finalisation for the new season difficult or even impossible under normal rules and timeframes. LAVic does not encourage or support activities requiring the congregating of individuals in person, until further advised. This would include the conducting of meetings in person. To this end, LAVic is working with Vicsport, Sport & Recreation Victoria and Consumer Affairs to press for a more flexible set of governance requirements applicable to Victorian sporting clubs to assist them move through the coming months while remaining compliant and not compromising their futures. More on this in coming days. As per the postponement of the State Track & Field Championships, the LAVic team will make every effort to find a suitable date to re-schedule later in 2020. There is a reality that this may not be possible. Regardless, the outcome will be communicated at the earliest opportunity. We expect this process to take some weeks. A decision is expected from Little Athletics Australia in the next 2 days regarding the Australian Little Athletics Championships, scheduled to be held on the 18th and 19th April. The organising committee of the Stawell Gift is due to meet today to discuss the staging of that event over Easter. The outcome of this will be communicated when to hand. LAVic will support requests for refunds for members that registered post 31 January 2020. Please encourage such requests to be put in writing to office@lavic.com.au.The LAVic Team
For more information visit www.lavic.com.au